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This is round 3 of landing pages overviews. In my previous landing page overview posts I discussed Adobe’s and Shutterstock’s landing pages. I discussed the important elements of landing pages and how to use them correctly. Landing pages have the potential to convert many users as they are the first page your visitors see and…
Imagine going to a friend’s house for the first time. You get to the house and see a “welcome” sign, but no door. It doesn’t have any windows and basically there’s no way to get in. Seems strange right? Your landing page is the front door to your website. It is the first thing your…
In my previous landing page overview post I discussed Adobe’s landing page. In that post I established the importance of the landing pages and its elements. The landing page is one of the first steps in the funnel which users convert from, and has a huge impact on your ROI. Optimizing your landing page should…
If you have ever created a landing page for your site, you probably know there are some basic guidelines to follow in order to create a truly converting landing page (some landing pages tips). The landing page is one of the first parts in the funnel in which users convert from and so it is…
A while back we discussed “Anchoring” the emotional trigger used by Steve Jobs, that increases conversion rates time after time and helped sell millions of iPads. Similar to Anchoring, there are many other psychological triggers that affect our decision making process we aren’t aware of. The one we’ll discuss today is Loss Aversion, “discovered” by…
Choosing the right place to start your optimization process is a super important decision. With so many conversion strategies and methods out there it’s hard to know where to start and how. Where to start: It is customary to divide the user flow into Upper funnel (i.e banners, landing pages, lead generation) and lower funnel…