Category Archive for "Conversion Optimization Blog"

conversion optimization: is the whole really greater than than the sum of its parts?

Did you notice anything unusual about the title of this post? Did you notice the word “THAN” repeats itself? If you didn’t, you’re not alone. Many people miss this repetition thanks to the law of experience – a principle in gestalt psychology that suggests that people use prior knowledge in order to understand certain elements,…

Doing Video Conversion Optimization the Right Way

On-site product videos are clearly making a significant impact in increasing the overall customer experience across all ecommerce channels. Likewise, product videos are an integral component in generating more sales and boosting conversion rates. Incorporating an effective product video needs careful implementation on testing specific core elements aimed at yielding an optimal performance and increasing…

How To Turn Unsatisfied Users into Loyal Customers

No one likes to hear bad things about themselves. Same goes to getting negative feedback from the users of your product. Can you enjoy talking with somebody who starts the conversation by telling you how bad your product is? No. But still, this is the conversation you should really want to get involved in. Just…

Unlocking Pricing Page Success: The Decoy Effect

In previous posts we discussed several cognitive biases you should know and use to increase conversion. Further more, understanding cognitive biases gives us a better understanding of our audience and what it is looking for.   What are cognitive biases? Our brain is an amazing tool that is far more powerful than any computer currently…

Are your A/B test Results Correct?

In past posts we’ve spoken about the importance of waiting and receiving significant results. That’s why we built this tool, to help you interpret your A/B test results in a simple way. Analyzing the data at the right time and giving your test the right amount of time to run can be the difference between a…

5 Ways Shutterstock’s Landing Page Misses The Spot

In my previous landing page overview post I discussed Adobe’s landing page. In that post I established the importance of the landing pages and its elements. The landing page is one of the first steps in the funnel which users convert from, and has a huge impact on your ROI. Optimizing your landing page should…

Your next crucial step for CRO: Emotional Targeting

These days, the online world is progressing towards an automatic one – commonly referred to as personalization. Segmenting traffic according to browser information, time on site, geographical location, age and other behavioral data that allows the more advanced companies to personalize their shopping experience and user journeys. For instance: a site can detect a visitor…

Why we date stamp posts (and why you should too)

Blog posts on Conversioner are date stamped for a reason. Date stamping is an easy way for you to judge the newness and relevancy of our posts in the rapidly changing world of optimization.  So why would you not want to date stamp your posts? Well there is a lot of debate amongst bloggers about…