Did you know that in average, content featuring images has 94% more total views than content without images*?
According to the picture superiority effect, images are better remembered than words. This effect has been demonstrated in numerous experiments, and the effect becomes more dominant with age.
The power of this fantastic effect allows you to use images in your website to increase user engagement, improve SEO, accelerate sharing on social networks, increase brand awareness and increase conversions.
Check out these 5 ways to increase revenue using images on landing pages:
- Know your targeted audience –Since images affect people differently, an image that might convert one user, can be repelling to another. So make sure you understand your target audience and use images that fit their characteristics. For instance check out these outstanding differences between men and women’s viewing process on gaze plot.

Use good quality images – allow your users to interact with your image by using a 360° view, zoom, and detailed, colorful and good quality images.
Draw attention – images draw attention; use that to your benefit in order to draw attention to the product, service or copy. Use your image to guide your customers to you call to action buttons. For instance images of faces can be used to guide people around a website or an ad. Check out this eye track heatmaps and how the focus on the text changes according to the where the baby is looking at. Heatmaps in general are a great way to get to know your users behavior, check out our latest post on the subject.

Use images to create trust – a 2002 study found that images (even irrelevant images) increase likelihood of accepting something you read as true. This is why it is a great idea to use different images as trust icons, for example: client logos, product images and other logos.
Use images to stimulate emotions – Most of our decision making is irrational and has an emotional base (learn more). Those emotions can be triggered by using emotional-evoking images. First, understand what emotions you want to get your users feeling, then figure out what emotions will help increase sales, and choose your images according to the emotion you expect them to evoke.
So, as you’ve seen, an image can go a long way. Can you think of other ways images can increase conversions? We would love to hear from you.
*According to MDG Advertising.
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5 ways to increase revenue using images
Did you know that in average, content featuring images has 94% more total views than content without images*?
According to the picture superiority effect, images are better remembered than words. This effect has been demonstrated in numerous experiments, and the effect becomes more dominant with age.
The power of this fantastic effect allows you to use images in your website to increase user engagement, improve SEO, accelerate sharing on social networks, increase brand awareness and increase conversions.
Check out these 5 ways to increase revenue using images on landing pages:
Use good quality images – allow your users to interact with your image by using a 360° view, zoom, and detailed, colorful and good quality images.
Draw attention – images draw attention; use that to your benefit in order to draw attention to the product, service or copy. Use your image to guide your customers to you call to action buttons. For instance images of faces can be used to guide people around a website or an ad. Check out this eye track heatmaps and how the focus on the text changes according to the where the baby is looking at. Heatmaps in general are a great way to get to know your users behavior, check out our latest post on the subject.
Use images to create trust – a 2002 study found that images (even irrelevant images) increase likelihood of accepting something you read as true. This is why it is a great idea to use different images as trust icons, for example: client logos, product images and other logos.
Use images to stimulate emotions – Most of our decision making is irrational and has an emotional base (learn more). Those emotions can be triggered by using emotional-evoking images. First, understand what emotions you want to get your users feeling, then figure out what emotions will help increase sales, and choose your images according to the emotion you expect them to evoke.
So, as you’ve seen, an image can go a long way. Can you think of other ways images can increase conversions? We would love to hear from you.
*According to MDG Advertising.
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